E-Ticket in Traffic, Is it Effective?

Electronic tickets or e-ticket are the government’s efforts to enforce information technology-based traffic laws. E-tikect is one of the government’s efforts to reduce the number of traffic violations.

This is a new breakthrough in revolutionizing traffic law. from previously conventional to more modern, using CCTV cameras that are spread out on various roads. One of the steps of change and renewal taken by the Government of Indonesia. in improving the traffic violation public service system is by implementing the E-ticket application.

Tickets are one of the most important criminal sanctions and are regulated by the Criminal Code. Most recently, the government has simplified the handling of traffic violations through ETLE or electronic tickets.

Enforcement of E-tickets

The implementation of the E-Tilang itself is regulated based on the Supreme Court Decision. Number 12 of 2016 concerning Settlement of Traffic Violations Cases. The existence of E-tickets in Indonesia is very necessary …

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The Best App to Measure Smartphone Performance

One of the best ways to measure smartphone performance is to use third-party applications. Besides being easy, this method is also fairly simple and the results tend to be reliable.

Upon closer inspection, it turns out that currently there are quite a number of applications that provide services to measure smartphone performance. For those of you who want to measure smartphone performance, the following five applications are the best recommendations that you can try, right! Check one by one, come on!

AnTuTu Benchmark

The first recommendation is to use AnTuTu Benchmark. For Android users, you can only download this application through the official ATUTU Benchmark website because this application is not available on the Play Store. Even so, you don’t have to worry about its safety.

AnTuTu Benchmark is trusted and proven accurate in measuring smartphone performance. Apart from measuring engine performance, this application can also be used to …

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6 Things to Check Before Buying iPhones Wholesale from China

iPhones Wholesale

Buying iPhones wholesale from China is risky, and you must be very careful during the process. Your little inattentiveness can cause you a considerable loss. Discover the six things you must check before making the whole purchase from a Chinese iPhones wholesale dealer.

Buying iPhones Wholesale from China

The refurbished iPhones market is growing at a yearly rate of 15%. It explains the rising demand for used or refurbished iPhones and the shifting paradigm of users’ habits as they’re now more focused on saving money. But the growing market has also brought so many fraudulent iPhones wholesalers into the market that sell fake or extremely low-quality iPhones. And therefore, it has become more critical than ever for buyers to learn about the factors that can help in identifying if a refurbished device is okay to buy or not.

Here are the six things that you must check before buying iPhones

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Why to Improve Glassdoor Reviews

How to Improve Glassdoor Reviews

If you’re wondering how to improve Glassdoor reviews, you’re in luck! There are a few strategies that you can use to generate more positive reviews. Firstly, don’t bombard Glassdoor with requests for 5-star reviews. Not only will this look forced, but it’ll also give you a torrent of excellent and negative thoughts in one shot. Unless you have a strategy, you will end up with mixed reviews. You can check glassdoor reviews and remove reviews if you find any negative thoughts about yourself.


Reward employees for leaving reviews

Rewarding your employees for writing positive reviews of your company is a great way to build a better culture. Providing a small award for leaving a review is a great way to show your appreciation for their efforts. Giving out a minor award is an introduction award that can lead to more significant rewards as your

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5 Reasons to Buy iPhones Wholesale from Hong Kong

iPhones WholesaleRefurbished or second-hand iPhones have become the first-hand option for buyers. Do you want to make high profits by selling used mobile devices? Buy iPhones wholesale from Hong Kong.

But Why Hong Kong?

That’s an obvious but good question. Please keep reading to find the answer to it. 

Growing Demand for Refurbished iPhones

iPhones in the current market represent more of the demand than a device. People want to have the latest iPhones in their hands, and the mobile giant Apple is never disappointing its users by providing unbeatable features in its iPhones.

Since the new ones come at high prices, their counterparts, the refurbished iPhones, are available at cheaper rates in the market and feed the desires of those who want iPhones but are on a budget.

Moreover, retailers can also enjoy exciting income by selling used or refurbished iPhones. We know what you’re thinking. “I need to buy

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